Thursday, July 23, 2009

Novel 55

If I keep to the schedule I made last week, I'll finish my current novel in just over one month. Do you want to know my secret for writing novels? It's not really too deep. Start writing. Keep writing. Write almost every day. Outline thoroughly. When something in your novel bores you, change it.




Alice Audrey said...

Sounds like a good system for you.

anthonynorth said...

Well, I've written 8 novels, and I followed this line for them all. It works. Now all I need is to get them published :-)

Hootin Anni said...

Way to go....keep at it.

Mine's posted if you'd like to read 55 words of my encounter with the MIB!

Fandango said...

Dragons don't write novels but if we did this would be good advice.
Nice 55

Ours is posted


G-Man said...

I would like an autographed copy please!!
Easy 55 .....
Thanks for playing this Friday, and have a Kick-Ass Week-End....G