Friday, April 3, 2009

On Mortal Insects 55

Dead yellowjacket on the playground, wings moving in the wind. Danger laid low by the hand of time or nature, now become the object of childish dares. Will the poke of a stick rouse it? Do they risk its sting, scattering pebbles across that still, banded form?

Or is their boldness only a delicious pretense?



Dr.John said...

A great 55. I could see the children with the stick.

Akelamalu said...

Ah children (and adults) are brave with dead wasps! :)

ciara said...

i was never one to poke or mess w bugs dead or alive. too scared. probably a lot like how i have lived my life *sigh*

Mona said...

some are bold ones and some are showoffs. But I wouldn't want either to stop, since they must learn from experience!

G-Man said...

I double dog dare ya!!!
You have descriptive way about you Devo. A creative and talented way as well..
Thank you so much for joining this weeks 55 fun...
Have a Great Week-End...G

Mary said...

I would be too afraid that it was only playing dead. I am of the opinion that it shouldn;t be considered dead until it is well and truly squished.

Great 55!

KB said...

My dog tries to eat wasps. She's not very smart when it comes to bugs. Good 55.