She wanted a digital camera with more megapixels.
He got her a very nice necklace.
She got him expensive power tools.
He pretended to be happy.
She pretended to be happy.
Luckily, each of them picked the same New Year's Resolution:
I resolve to just SAY what I want.
Oh that would be just way too simple. Where's your sense of adventure?
Devo...You Tickle me!
Every one of your 55's has us all thinking about a hidden meaning, whether it has one or not.
Excellent 55...
Thanks for visiting, thanks for playing, and have a Great Week-End!
Maybe they would have had all kinds of adventures with a big HD TV and a digital camera ...
: )
Thanks! For those who are looking, I'll say that the title of this 55 has at least 3 different meanings. (Three being the number that I'm aware of.)
You have a great weekend too!
....expensive power tools can be fun, Devo.
You get what you pay for, after all.
I was once nicknamed The Bentley because of my taste in expensive...'power tools.'
Now that I think of it...I really need a new Bentley.
I wore that one out.
Maybe she just got him the wrong kind of tool.
: )
Bentley, eh? I'm guessing there's a certain Deep Purple lyric about a Bentley that you're probably pretty fond of ...
That's a very sensible resolution and a neat 55!
The story goes as such...
It was when I first started at the restaurant I worked at before the Hell Shack. (And the Hell Shack was the one before my current place, Hell-tiki.)
We will call the place before the Hell Shack...
Moo Goo Gai Hell.
As it was upscale Chinese Fusion.
Anyhow, I had just started. My training class had just recently finished and was finally on the floor making some money.
The other girl in my training class was having a Girl's Night Out party where there's some chick selling sextoys and shit, and she invited me.
So, I went, figuring it could have been worse. It could have been one of those 'candle parties.'
Plus, I like sextoys, er...power what did I have to lose?
Even though I'm anti-social and I would only know her...I went.
Cos it was sextoys.
And I ended up loving the one the chick had for almost two-hundred bucks, it was beautiful with thirty settings and a little added bonus tickler thing on it and it was just supreme.
I also bought a deck of cards with naked men on them.
(I have a set of cards with naked chicks on them too, because I am an equal opportunity card deck person.)
And I bought some tingly lube stuff.
Anyhow, Ms. Bloom, as I will refer to my party-throwing friend and I were heard talking about the party the next day where she gushed on about how I purchased the most expensive vibe the Girl's Night Out chick had. I was the only one who bought that model. A few girls bought a couple other ones, including Ms. Bloom, but Ms. Bloom had really wished she could have been able to afford the one I had gotten.
I couldn't really afford it either, I just couldn't resist.
Anyhow, eventually other people were in on the conversation including one very dirty and curious guy named....John...and he took to calling me Bentley for the rest of the three years that we worked together there.
He'd always ask, 'So, how's the Bentley?'
And newer servers would never know what the fuck he was talking about.
Only us and some of the people that were still there from when I started.
So, I suppose there are still a few people around who probably believe that I drive a Bentley.
And, uh....that Deep Purple song made me LAUGH. Is that a later release of theirs? I don't think I've ever heard it.
It's pretty cheesy for DP. But, cheesy great, nonetheless.
I'm more of a Highway Star kind of girl. Space Truckin' is pretty awesome.
My Woman From Toe-kay-yo...
...that one's fun.
That song is off the Perfect Strangers album from 1984, which I still have on vinyl. I guess the fact that it was their comeback album after having split up for 9 years makes it a "later" album, although it's sort of hard for me to think of a 25-year-old song being "later."
I was pretty surprised you'd never heard it. I'll pretty much wig out if you tell me you've never heard the title track off Perfect Strangers either. I guess the fact that I bought it and played the heck out of it senior year in high school makes me think it must have been some sort of monumental musical achievement.
: )
I've never been to one of those parties, but someone very thoughtful got me a present at one once, and I think they sound like a lot of fun.
I wish they were more common ... but then, heck, I wish they sold that kind of stuff at Wal-Mart. I think we'd be a lot healthier society if they did.
Back to Deep Purple, there was a guy in my college D&D group who would always bring his electric guitar along (sans amp) and practice solos whenever his dwarf assassin wasn't involved in the action of the moment. He could totally kill on the solo from Highway Star, which is one of my all-time favorite solos. I think you would have dug him.
He was a redhead.
Still got his number?
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