Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Gift 55

I've gotten some swell gifts in my life. Some from people, some from luck, or fate, or the Divine, if you believe in those kindsa things. 

What's the best gift ever, for me? Well, there's being alive, of course. But everyone gets that. 

The best gift
just for me? 

It's when she said, 
Be you.



smarmoofus said...

Those words are the best gift! I trust "she" is your mother? Great 55!


Devotee said...

I leave interpretation up to the reader in this case.

: )

Although I will point out that the words have subtly or significantly different meanings if you consider a variety of different identities for the speaker.

Thanks, smarmoofus!

Cha Cha said...

Such a great gift, indeed.

And an IMPORTANT one.

A most excellent 55, Devo.


Mona said...

well I guess that is the best and the most sincere advice one can give to a person : To be ourselves.

& that is the best way to Be

Great 55ve devotee!

Pam said...

well, as a mother, that is something i tell my kids all the time. great 55.

i'm up.

Devotee said...

I'm glad everyone likes this!

I've been thinking about it ever since smarmoofus made her comment, and the more I think about it, the cooler it is to contemplate different interpretations based on who "she" is.

It's a very different 55 if "she" is the narrator's mother than if "she" is a sister, or especially if "she" is a lover.

Thanks, Strumpet, Mona & Ciara! You guys are the best.

Cha Cha said...


When I read this, I interpreted the 'Be You' Sayer, as being a lover/girlfriend/companion person.

I think that's because it is something that I am so very much craving at the moment because the thing I JUST got out of... was because I COULDN'T be me.

So, in essence, why I felt this was such an IMPORTANT gift was because I just had some first-hand experience with someone who won't give you that.

We can only ever be ourselves, so finding someone who loves us for THAT VERY THING...

(...sounds like a Whitney Houston song, or was that Vanessa Williams...)

...but it's the greatest gift of all...

....just like you said.

And you said it WAY better than Whitney or Vanessa or was that Celine? I don't even know.

Okay, now I'm Googling.

Apparently I am remembering something that doesn't exist.

I came across a really cool Dolly and Kenny Rogers Christmas video though in this search process...


It's a Whitney song. But, it's 'The Greatest LOVE of All' and I should have known this cos we sang this at our 8th Grade graduation, along with the Rainbow Connection.

(Rainbow Connection--WAY awesome song by the way....WAY. Had to be said, despite being tangential.)

See how fun it is to play Google?


Finding someone who let's you be you and loves you for it, is indeed a gift in this life.

To have that is truly cool, Devo.

You are a very lucky Devo IF that is the interpretation.

I think in order to have that with someone, we first have to give that gift to ourselves, whether it was instilled in us by our mothers, sisters, brothers, or just a lesson that took us a really long time to learn without that familial support.

Once that has been achieved, only then can we give that gift to another.

Cos you see, with my thing, I don't think he had ever been given that gift to just be himself, and I couldn't give it to him, cos he hadn't given it to himself yet.

I guess what all this drivel is saying here, that your 55 has REALLY made me think.

You always do.

That's no surprise.

Now, if you'll excuse me I feel a little tickle on my shoulder...

G-Man said...

Great 55, and Great advice.
Whatever cloud of philosophical, inspirational, and talented insight you rode in on, I'm so glad you settled down on our little corner of the blogasphere!
You blow me away every day!!!
Have a Great Week-End...Galen

Devotee said...


I owned a 45 of The Rainbow Connection. I think it's one of the best songs ever written, and my eyes get a little moist every time I think of it.

[youtube break]

all of us under its spell
we know that it's probably magic

Wow. Thank you SO much for that reminder.

As usual, your interpretation of my words makes me feel about twice as smart as I felt when I wrote them. (And to be a bit conceitedly honest, I felt pretty smart when I wrote them anyway!)

A person really can't receive that gift from someone else until first giving it to herself/himself, because you can't find a rainbow connection if you're hiding from the rainbow inside. You have to see your inner rainbow AND be brave enough to let it out.

Your thinking so often makes my writing larger than it was before.

Thank you!


It's an awesome corner to be in, and I feel very privileged to have found it and found you guys.

Thanks for all you do to keep this little corner glued together!

Mojo said...

Funny... the "lover" identity was my first guess.

Wonder what that means...

Great job whoever "she" is/was

Lulda Casadaga said...

I'm always telling my husband to JUST BE...he's slowly catching on!!
Nice 55.

Akelamalu said...

Excellent 55, whoever one interprets as 'she'!