I've been told herring is good for my cholesterol.
I like herring.
I've been told oatmeal is good for my cholesterol.
I like oatmeal.
Walnuts? Yeah, good for cholesterol.
And I like walnuts.
If you have cholesterol problems ...
do not put these things together.
That is all.
Is that a 'deadly' combination? Eeks! to think one could actually 'cook' poison with those ingredients!
I hope it's not poisonous, because that's what I had for lunch. When I made it, I thought it was probably a hilariously bad idea, and I was right.
There was also some olive oil in it. Good for cholesterol, but too many words for a 55.
: )
I am worried about you now.
Please take care of yourself, Devo.
Oatmeal is awesome.
I don't think I have ever had herring. Doesn't it come in little jars? I will have to buy some.
Walnuts rock. Nuts in general rock. :) I've recently become slightly addicted to these wasabi and soy sauce almonds put out by Blue Diamond.
My secret word code below today is...
How cool.
Don't worry! This is actually not even the craziest, most awful concoction I've experimented with, from a culinary point of view.
And my health is pretty good. I've been eating boatloads of oatmeal and herring (I get the kind that comes in a flat tin and I put it on Triscuits with hot sauce). I just haven't previously been foolish enough to put them together. It was a "What the heck?" kind of an idea, as all the ingredients are cheap enough that I could have just thrown it away if it had been inedible.
Maybe the experiment would have worked better if I'd added spinach!
I love those Blue Diamond wasabi and soy almonds too.
But I'll never make the mistake of putting them in oatmeal.
Nosiree, it's walnuts and raisins and brown sugar in the oatmeal from now on, and that's it.
Maybe some cinnamon.
What's ginga? It sounds cool, but I'm in ignorance.
Duly noted. Never been a fan of herring. Nope. But I learned years ago that with enough horseradish, pretty much anything is edible.
That's assuming one likes horseradish, but I think your logic is otherwise unassailable.
A bonus 55...
Ya know whats funny?
The guy that I mentioned in my 55, Andrew Zimmern...He's the guy on the travel channel that eats anything...?
He won't eat walnuts...hahahaha
That IS funny. I had no idea there was ANYTHING that guy wouldn't eat.
But walnuts?
That's wild.
Thanks for letting me know!
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